A series of workshops to help teachers and leadership teams build a network of like-minded colleagues, generate feedback on practices, and share ideas and experiences related to current remote learning practices and plans to leverage this work to improve teaching and learning long term. We will explore four key blended learning strategies that should be considered now during distance and hybrid learning times and in the future in order to better meet the needs of all of your students. District Leaders will also focus on support for their teachers, current challenges, share strategies and stories of front-line successes, and look to future needs to design sustainable plans to support digital learning for all learners well beyond the COVID-19 crisis.
There is a four workshop series for teachers (12 CEUs) and a Leadership workshop series for individual leaders or leadership teams (15 BOSA Approved Admin CEUs) Each individual workshop is designed to be completed in about three hours with about 1 hour of synchronous instruction and conversations and about two hours of online work. We encourage you to participate in all of these workshops but you are welcome to pick the ones that work best for you.
Here is a link to a podcast about this workshop series: https://anchor.fm/clint-link/episodes/PD-during-a-pandemic-ent6m1 . Additional podcasts will be posted about each individual workshop.
Welcome to the Hybrid Learning Course Design!
A Hybrid course structure is an extension of Blended Learning which leverages technology to support student learning both in a synchronous (in classroom) and asynchronous (outside of classroom) setting. Often Hybrid structures meet synchronously one or two times per week and release students to learning anywhere allowing student support in a smaller intervention setting. This course will support your capability to craft a culture of student learning, design learning experiences and assessment, and engage and motivate your students in this type of environment.
More Information- Teacher: Jason Borglum
Do you wish you could put yourself in more than one location at one time? Would you like the opportunity for your students to have more of you? In this session participants will learn instructional video creating strategies to strategically use small group or station instruction to provide their students with what they need when they need it. Participants will also learn how to make these videos accessible to their students beyond the classroom.
Are you new to Google Docs and how to use them on your regular computers and mobile devices? Come learn how to create and share docs both individually and in "mass" with your students as well as how to provide feedback and assessment results using Google Docs. Students will grow quickly through the progress monitoring you provide via Google Docs and you will love how instantaneous the work can be done.
Participants will explore the use of Google Forms and Kahoot as ways to gather immediate understanding of what their students know and don't know before, during or after instruction. Participants will learn to create quick and easy formative assessments, graph the results and provide students with the feedback they need to inform their learning. All grade levels are welcome.